Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves the insertion of thin metal needles into specific points in muscles to help relieve pain. With its inception dating back several millennia, Acupuncture was initially popularized in Eastern healthcare and since then has become prevalent in Western healthcare as well.
Acupuncture is often painless and a safe treatment method that can be used in adjunct to the chiropractic care you receive at Gold Standard Rehab. Acupuncture services are offered under Dr. Richard Seto as part of a chiropractic visit. Dr. Seto will perform a comprehensive assessment and go over what treatment will entail so that you can decide whether acupuncture is right for you.
Yes! Chiropractors that are licensed to provide acupuncture must undergo hundreds of practical and theoretical hours in order to provide acupuncture with complete competency. Minor adverse events are virtually nonexistent and major adverse events are even farther and few in between.
While Eastern views of acupuncture primarily utilize it for treating systemic issues (i.e. issues related to organs), Western views of acupuncture utilize its benefits for pain relief and improving movement. Common conditions that acupuncture may help with include:
Want to know if acupuncture should be included in your treatment plan? Book with us today!
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